building the Fwd Cabin
I cut and installed a mock up to replicate the mahogany plywood that will hide the hull in the forward cabin. I also built the vertical faces for the lower cabinets in the forward cabin and laminated the staving to the 1/2" okume 1088 plywood. Face frame with inset doors with eventually be installed above the cabinetry in the photo to the right. I also installed the staving to the aft side of the nav station/icebox and to the vertical faces of the galley sink cabinet. I glued up (from two pieces of plywood) the vertical face for the nav station/ice box and set aside the staving that will eventually be laminated to it. Finally, I cut and installed numerous mahogany bungs. This is slow tedious work but it should start coming together faster as we move along. In the next week I should be able to complete the installation of the remaining staving.
After. The fresh staving in the background has not been sanded. You can see the mock-up ply at the bottom of the photo. It wil hide the fiberglass hull.